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Earning your Associate Degree...

    • Makes you less likely to be unemployed, even in tough economic times!
      Individuals with an associate degree are 25 percent less likely to be unemployed as someone with some college, no degree. Individuals with associate degrees also experience shorter periods of unemployment than individuals who have some college, but no degree.

    • Increases your earning power if you are working while earning your degree!
      An associate degree can translate into real earnings power, even as you work toward a bachelor’s degree.  Associate degree holders earn, on average, almost $2,550 more a year than an individual with some college, but no degree.  Of equal importance, individuals with an associate degree are 25 percent less likely to be unemployed as someone with some college, no degree.

    • Makes you eligible to apply for jobs requiring a minimum of an associate degree!
      An associate degree can provide you with an opportunity to realize your employment goals. Job opportunities for associate degree holders are growing, with a recent survey indicating a 30 percent growth in opportunities for associate degree holders in just one year.

    • Is a requirement for promotion in some jobs!
      Moving ahead in the workplace often requires demonstrating new skills and abilities.  Employers view an associate degree as an indicator of readiness to take on new responsibilities. An associate degree may be required for advancement in some workplaces, as well.

The Adult Learner Program at EGSC is the Right Fit For You!



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