Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 4/28/20 
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 1/27/20 
Adopted by President’s Cabinet 11/27/18

This policy addresses the college’s policies and procedure approval process, the role of the college’s governance bodies in the process, the procedure for publication of policies, the rules governing policy content on unit webpages, and identifies responsible parties for each action. 

Policy Creation, Revision, Archival 

Policy may be created or revised in response to a policy gap, new policy, directive, law or regulation or revised to correct an inconsistency between existing policy, directive, law or regulation. The policy owner is the person responsible for the final draft of the policy, submitting the draft for approval by the appropriate governing body(ies) as stated in this policy and ensuring that the policy is published in the appropriate location. All college policies and procedures, unless expressly stated otherwise, apply to: 

        • all faculty and staff;
        • all students, regardless of instructional delivery mode;
        • the EGSC Swainsboro, Statesboro, Augusta locations;
        • all off campus dual enrollment high school locations; and
        • all college sponsored events regardless of location. 

Policy Types and Required Approvals 

All policy must be approved by the appropriate governance body and the President prior to publication and use. ( Policy type dictates the required governance review and approval process. 

Administrative policies are policies that address college operations, facilities, non-academic student matters and college personnel. Examples include: Travel Policy, Political Activities Policy, Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Process. Administrative policies require approval of the President’s Cabinet only. While policies may originate with a policy owner who is a supervisor in the unit or by a committee, the policies are submitted to President’s Cabinet by the relevant Cabinet member or his or her designee, or a person designated by the President. 

Academic policies are policies that address academic matters including but not limited to academic personnel and responsibilities, curriculum, grades, award of credit hours and the EGSC Statutes. Academic policies require approval of the Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee (APCC), Faculty Senate, the President’s Cabinet and the President. The Routing Form for Proposed Changes to Academic Policy, Curriculum Changes and EGSC Statutes (PDF) was created for the purpose of guiding the policy through the various governance bodies for review and acquisition of the official respective comments, revisions and approval signatures. For academic policy, the VPASA is the policy owner. The VPASA begins the approval process with submission of the policy and routing form to the APCC, then Faculty Senate, then President, and then the Cabinet. 

EGSC Statutes are the official rules and regulations of the college, detailing the governance structure of the college, describing the standing committees of the President’s Cabinet and of the President, and addressing faculty duties and responsibilities. Proposals for revisions to the Statutes can originate in the President’s Cabinet or in Faculty Senate, but all proposals require approval of both bodies prior to presentation to the President for final approval. The routing form (PDF) must be used to guide the Statutes revisions through the various governance bodies and document the required approvals. Chief of Staff /Legal Counsel manages the publication of the EGSC Statutes. 

Standing Committees, Task Forces, Other Committees: The work of standing committees, task forces and other committees includes making recommendations to the President for the adoption of policies and procedures. Policy drafted in such committees is not official college policy until the policy has been submitted and approved by the appropriate governance body and the President as indicated herein. 

Procedure for President’s Cabinet Approval: All policies to be presented at the President’s Cabinet meeting must be circulated via email to President’s Cabinet and to the Administrative Assistant to the President by the Cabinet level supervisor of the relevant unit for review and comment the week before the Cabinet meeting (usually no later than Wednesday- with allowance for emergencies) The email must include a request to the Administrative Assistant to the President for the item to be placed on the Agenda. Any revisions made to the policy during the circulation period must be incorporated into a final document and sent to the presidentscabinetFREEOMNIUPDATE address no later than Friday before the Cabinet meeting. The President’s Office will upload the final policy version to the President’s Cabinet folder in One Drive on Friday before the Cabinet meeting. The Cabinet level supervisor or designee will present the item for review and vote at the Cabinet meeting. Upon adoption by the President’s Cabinet and approval by the President, the policy is considered formally adopted. When necessary and with permission of the President, policies, handbooks, catalogs or other items that require an immediate vote by President’s Cabinet may be circulated for email vote. Such items should be sent to Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel who manages this process. Following the email vote and adoption, the vote will be presented and recorded as an information item in the Minutes of the next President’s Cabinet meeting. 

Publication – Policies and Procedures Page 

Publication refers to the posting of the approved policy on the college’s policies and procedures page. After the policy is approved by all relevant governing bodies, the policy is emailed to Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel by the policy owner, in WORD format, along with the routing form as appropriate, for publication by affixing the approval date(s) on the policy and posting on the college’s policy and procedures page. The policies and procedures page is the central repository for all policies, procedures and handbooks of the college.

Policy Archives Page 

When a policy is revised, approved and published using the procedure herein, the policy that it replaces is then moved to the Archives. This page is the central repository for outdated policy. The date the policy was adopted is noted in the URL title of the archived policy for reference. This page provides a historical view of college policy for determination of policy that was in place at a particular point in time. 

Unit Webpages 

To avoid duplication and inconsistencies, unit webpages should not contain the text of a policy. Rather, unit webpages may contain links to relevant unit policies and other college policies from the college’s policies and procedures page. The outcome of this rule is that when the original policy is updated and posted, the unit webpage link will automatically update. However, if the policy name is revised and this results in a change to the policy URL, automatic updates to links will not occur. It is the responsibility of the unit head to review and update his or her respective webpages as necessary to ensure policy links are current. 

Governance Records 

Each governance body must maintain a record of policy and procedure, as well as other matters, that it considers. The record should, at a minimum, consist of Meeting Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and drafts of policy and procedure considered at each meeting, arranged by date of each meeting and completed routing form. The record must be publicly available through publication on the college’s governance webpage. 

Responsible Parties 

The following parties are responsible for maintaining their respective webpage: 

EGSC Webpage Responsible Party
Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee
Faculty Senate Chair or designee
Staff Council Chair or designee
President's Cabinet Associate Vice President for Executive Affairs or designee
College Policies and Procedures Page Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel


Questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel. 


Routing Form for Proposed Changes to Academic Policy, Curriculum Changes, Statutes (PDF)