Purpose and Functions

The purpose and functions of the Professional Development Committee are to make recommendations to the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and develop, in conjunction with the Director of eLearning, an annual program of professional development related to teaching (with a focus on learner-centered pedagogies that may enhance student success, online teaching and learning, and other relevant topics), ongoing professional growth and development for faculty as scholars and professionals in their disciplines (to include training in the scholarship of teaching and learning, assessment methods, and other professional opportunities related to disciplinary scholarship), ongoing professional development opportunities related to institutional community, and professional service (to include training in advisement); and as practitioners in their institutional roles. The committee recommends policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose.


    • Chair, Elected by Membership;
    • Director of eLearning;
    • Faculty Member from Mathematics;
    • Faculty Member from Natural Sciences;
    • Faculty Member from Humanities;
    • Faculty Member from Social Sciences;
    • One Faculty Member from EGSC-Swainsboro, EGSC-Statesboro and EGSC-Augusta if not already represented by membership above;
    • Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs; and
    • Library Director.